Returning to nature as spiritual practice

Upcoming Gatherings
From Wild Church Network:

Popping up all over the land, like wild mushrooms after a spring rain,
Wild Church communities are responding to a call from deep within
to change the way we relate to the natural world, moving
“from a collection of objects, to a communion of subjects”
Thomas Berry

In this age of mass extinctions, we feel compelled by the love of Christ to invite people into intimate relationship with some of the most vulnerable victims of our destructive culture: the land, waters, and creatures with whom we share our homes.
New Wild Churches are emerging all the time, offering invitations to reconnect with the natural world. As kin. As sacred. As beloved co-participants in a larger story of grace and inter-being.

Wild Journey is an emerging community of those who are returning to nature as spiritual practice. We are Christ-centered AND welcoming to all spiritual paths. We are not led by doctrine or dogma, but by the Divine Mystery that dwells in us all. We meet outside in various locations within the Laguna de Santa Rosa watershed and seek to reconnect with the sacredness of earth, honoring the Divine Presence in all beings. Our gatherings offer opportunities for contemplation, grief and praise, movement and song, solo wandering and wondering, advocacy, ecological restoration and activism on behalf and in collaboration with the beloved others in our watershed. Children are welcome to participate or play near-by. All are welcome.
“I longed for church to be a place where Mystery is experienced not explained.” – Victoria Loorz, Church of the Wild
We meet once a month within the Laguna de Santa Rosa watershed; usually the 1st or 2nd Sunday of the month. Check our Events page for upcoming gatherings. Wild Journey is an expression of Journey Center Santa Rosa and is a part of Wild Church Network.

There are 4 movements within our time together:
Gathering & Grounding
Reading & Reflection
Wandering & Wondering
Sharing & Sending
If you would like to join us, please reach out to to be added to a mailing list that will receive the next meeting dates and locations.