Encounter God - Be Renewed
At the Journey Center, there is an ever-growing community of people who are learning and loving the Enneagram, a tool for transformation. We have scheduled 9 monthly gatherings in 2019, each focused on one of the Enneagram personality types. Through teaching, reflection, panels, videoclips and discussion, we will explore each month’s type to gain greater self-understanding and a deepening compassion for others who are different than we are.
AND each month, those who identify as that Enneagram type are invited to join Joanna for an informal meal and wonderful conversation before the workshop begins! Bring your own lunch or dinner and we will provide beverages, fruit and cookies. (no registration required for the pre-workshop meal/conversation) If you need to pay cash at he door, please call the office at 707-578-2121 to register.
5:30 – 6:30pm Brown bag dinner for Enneagram Type Nines
7:00- 9:00pm Workshop – open to all
(Look at the “Related Events” to see what’s coming next and when)
Cost: Each monthly workshop is $20 per person or $30 for two people attending together. If you are joining us for the informal meal before the workshop, there will be a donation basket to cover costs of beverages, fruit and cookies.
Facilitator: Joanna is a spiritual director and certified Enneagram workshop presenter (trained by Jerome Wagner). She is the director of the Enneagram Series at Journey Center Santa Rosa.