Raised in a family with no spiritual traditions, Ann spent the first 40 years of her life as a somewhat confused spiritual seeker, looking for community and the “right answers”. That searching led her to the mainline protestant church and to many committees, bible studies and leadership roles. Ann has been married for 26 years, is mom to two adult children, and has lived in Santa Rosa since 1999. With a background in education, Ann has taught and facilitated groups of children, teens and adults in various settings, including public schools and church groups. She currently works in finance and HR.
Due in large part to The Journey Center, Ann is now traveling a contemplative path. As a progressive Episcopalian, Ann lives in the tension of spiritual contemplation and activism, particularly regarding the urgent crisis of climate collapse. She values deep listening, connection to the earth and all of creation, and the slowing down of our spiritual lives and culture.
Ann is a 2019 graduate of the Journey Center’s Spiritual Director Formation Program. Spiritual direction has been such a gift to her, and she considers it a sacred privilege to sit with others who are seeking and discerning Spirit, no matter their religious background. She resonates with the wise words of one of her mentors: “the Spirit is always speaking”.