Upcoming Enneagram Events
We have a growing community of people who have discovered that the Enneagram is truly a tool for transformation in their lives. The exploration of the nine distinct styles of personality provides us with resources for self-understanding, compassion for others and healthy relationships.
What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a resource for transformation in our lives, relationships and communities. The nine personality types with their distinct patterns of thinking, feeling and acting are all reflections of how each of us is uniquely created in the divine image, and many people find that the Spirit speaks to us through the wisdom of the Enneagram.
Enneagram Workshops/Groups
The Journey Center has a series of Enneagram-related workshops and groups. Some are geared towards those with no knowledge of the Enneagram and some are for people who are already familiar. There are monthly gatherings for each type along with workshops to learn more.
- Enneagram Reading List (pdf)
- Jerome Wagner’s website (Enneagram Author & Researcher):
http://www.enneagramspectrum.com - Take the WEPSS inventory to begin discovering your Enneagram type ($10):
https://www.wepss.com - International Enneagram Association’s (IEA) website:
https://www.internationalenneagram.org - Annual IEA conferences (2019):