Upcoming Events in this series
At the Journey Center, we believe that the love we experience and are nourished by is meant to be shared. Part of our vision is to invite others to join us in the community as we show compassion and work for justice wherever the Spirit leads us. We believe in the dignity of all and seek to live and engage with respect and empathy in our community. The value of mercy is inextricably linked to the value of justice.
Christ said, “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” In response to those who didn’t understand and asked “When did we do these things for you?” He said, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of these, you did for me.” (the book of Matthew, 25:34-40)
Water & Healing Prayer
at the Downtown Market
Every spring/summer we take our booth down to the Downtown Market where our faithful volunteers set up and offer a cold cup of water and healing prayer. 2019 was our 14th year! There are wonderful God stories of people being blessed no matter what spiritual path they are on. All are welcome. We have many return visitors who tell of the amazing answers they have received. It is an honor to be the hands and feet of Christ offering love to all who pass by and enter. If you are drawn to be a part of this team, please call the office at 707-578-2121 for more information.
Due to Covid-19, the Downtown Market was cancelled for 2020 and 2021. We are hopeful to return in 2022!
We are honored to endorse:
Sonoma County — United In Kindness
A Declaration of Unity by Sonoma County Residents
The Journey Center joins with and encourages our community to sign the declaration of unity for Sonoma County. Interfaith Council of Sonoma County has launched a campaign to bring unity to our community. Their mission statement is: Affirming our vision that humanity is of One Soul, we, of many beliefs, join to celebrate our diversity and organize for peace and unity through humanitarian activism. With this campaign, there comes hope for organizing community events that will foster awareness to the issues that face our county.
The Declaration begins with,
“We the undersigned believe that freedom from hateful speech, bullying, discrimination, and violence is a human right.
We believe all of us benefit from living in a diverse community.
Everyone, especially children and youth, requires a place to grow and learn in peace and safety, guided in kindness and caring…”

Be the Bridge to Racial Unity
Be the Bridge to Racial Unity is a small group that has committed to meet for nine months to go through the curriculum put out through the organization Be the Bridge. During the nine months the participants build relationship and trust with one another as they go through the steps of reconciliation such as Awareness, Acknowledgement, Confession, and Forgiveness. It launches in the fall and becomes a closed group after the second month to facilitate trust. It’s a powerful way to live out the call to walk humbly, love mercy, and do justly. Contact the office at 707-578-2121 if you are interested. Meeting Monday evenings and facilitated by Mindy Braun